Ukrainian officers prevented attempt to take out weapons from MIA Training Unit in Sevastopol

Відео опубліковано: 02/03/2014
Преглянуто: 1326

Тривалість: 00:00:53

05.30 03.02.14 Russian special forces illegally entered the territory of the military unit #191 training unit of the Ukrainian Navy and seized weapons
Attempted exportation of arms was successfully prevented by using blocking BTR- 80 Russian military KAMAZ
Officers became " human shield " around the armored and did not give the Russian military tow it to the side
Despite the fact that Russian troops was shot twice with a gun in the air , not Ukrainian military retreated and did not succumb to the provocation of a military scenario
Thus it was possible to reach a compromise: Russian special forces left the territory of the military unit, and KAMAZ weapons accompanied by Ukrainian military sent to the 174th base storage Ukrainian Navy

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With credits to Морской Портал
Original video available at